This is one news every CA aspirant and also a lot of CA members too were waiting for. And it finally came a few hours after the JEE and NEET exams were postponed.

As per the latest Notification, the May 2020 exams have been merged with the November 2020 exams, with due carry over all the benefits. What this also means that all candidates will again get an opportunity to choose whether they want to appear for both the groups or any one group.
So now, all the May 2020 attempt students can relax a bit. But be cautious against relaxing a bit too much. You would not want all of the efforts you have already put in to go in vain and your hard disk (brain) to get completely formatted prematurely!!
But for the November 2020 attempt students - -> you need to tighten your belt a bit as the competition has increased and the ICAI has hinted the exams to be from 1st November itself. So with the time running out and the number of candidates increasing by quite a bit, you guys will have to put in more effort in your studies in the remaining time. However, that does not mean that you start to feel the pressure right from this moment. Take it easy and study in a disciplined manner. That is all that is required.
Take care and thanks for reading!!
PS: I am exploring the possibility of creating a Telegram discussion group with all of you so that you guys can ask me any doubts or queries, and can also collaborate among yourselves to study as a group. This will lead to quicker dissemination of any important updates or notifications also. The website will continue as it is, with an additional medium of discussing issues.
Please let me know if you are in for this idea, and I shall get in touch with you soon with the Telegram group details.
CA Exam Strategies is now active on all major social media platforms - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Quora, Telegram, and LinkedIn. All these social media handles are operated by me. So you may use any of these media (along with the traditional e-mail) to get in touch with me for any queries, comments, observations or feedback.